From Scott H. - San Francisco - California
I have been ordering your candles for some time,
and received a Yankee Candle as a gift this season.
Wow, what a difference.
I put your Cinnamon Bun jar next to theirs for a side by side test.
The difference was amazing - You have a forever fan.

From Marilyn - Chicago, Illinois
Thank you so much for scents that I can smell.
I really love all your candle products.
I have some candles burning right now.
The Fireside Memories jar is absolutely wonderful,
I got one months ago and it is long since burned out.
But sometimes, when I'm sitting on the couch reading,
I'll still get a wiff of that captivating scent.
I'm hanging onto that empty jar until I get a new one.
I so much love coming into a home with inviting scents in the air
and your candles make that happen.
Your company is the best I've found for pleasing scents.
More orders will be coming your way - soon.

From Elizabeth - North Carolina
Thank you for making an absolute outstanding product!!
I received my first order and promptly lit the Vanilla Cookie.
My husband, whom I had told about your website,
came home to the wonderful scent and shouted "wow they don't fool around!"
He is thrilled that the candles are delivered right to the door...
No more waiting on me to smell every candle at the Mall.
Today was Gingerbread candle day,
and 3 neighbors (I live in a condo) knocked on my door asking what I was baking!
I have already received my second order from you
and am getting ready for order number 3.
Thanks again for making a really SUPER candle.
Your the BEST in all of North Carolina.

From Karen - Cary, Illinois
Hi, I just wanted to let you know,
I ordered from you last year when the cold weather arrived.
I am so happy with your soy tarts.
I have never in my life bought tarts,
that are scented as well as yours.
The different aromas are breathtaking,
everyone who walks into my home just love their smell.
I have become a regular customer
and I can hardly express how wonderful your scents are.
Other brands that I've tried only last an hour or two,
but yours keep going all day long and linger into the evening.

From Barbara - The House Next Door
"Memories of my childhood"
I hope I do not date myself too much,
but for over 50 years I have been buying
scented candles and room sprays.
I have been searching for a special floral scent
that would duplicate the aroma that would drift over
from the house next door when I was a kid.
That house alway had the grandest flowers.
Well, I've never found any thing close.
Then this past Christmas,
my daughter gifted me several of your jar candles.
The Lavender scented one is exactly the house next door.
So perfect, I cried when it hit me.
What a wonderful scent - never change it.
I plan to be your customer for the next 50 years.

From Alex - Maryland
I just received my order and all I can say is WOW ...
I lit one candle in the living room
and within 15 minutes the whole apartment was filled with fragrance.
You guys are a 1st class operation - ordering again soon.
Country Heart Candles are a notch above all other jar candles I've tried.

From Crystal - Tennessee
I justed received my Gingerbread candle,
I was very excited to have it arrive in 3 days.
I could smell the candle as I was opening the box.
The gingerbread scent smells so WONDERFUL and it is burning so evenly.
My mother and I both love to burn scented candles.
We always have had problems with other candles
not melting all the wax in the jar.
I really like the 2 wicks you put in this candle.
Thanks too, for the little scent samples you sent with my order.
You are the GREATEST.

From Joie - Florida
I thought I would let you know how much I am enjoying
the Tarts I have ordered from your company.
I work at the Suntrust Bank in Lady Lake, Florida
and decided to make our atmosphere nice and cozy with them. cannot imagine the comments I have gotten.
Matter of fact, most of my coworkers have placed orders.
Now many of our customers tell me they are going to buy your Tarts.
So, if you have been getting lots of orders from Lady Lake,
Fruitland Park and Leesburg area,
it is because we are all enjoying them so much at work.
And at home too, what fun we are having using all the different scents.
Thanks for making such a great product.
You brighten our day down here in the Sunshine State!

From Lori - Pennsylvania
My husband said, that your claims were too good to be true !
Boy was he wrong, your tarts and candals smell up my whole house !
The other day some visiting friends told me they could smell the scents
before they even came through the front door.
But, there is one problem when burning your candles,
my husband and kids come in the house looking for
the pies and cookies that your candles smell like.
Thank you so much, no more Yankees for me.

From Sue - Minnesota
"I LOVE your candles and have bought all kinds,
from WhiteBarnCandles to PartyLite Candles,
but never have found any that compare to yours.
The scents are truely amazing and it is so nice
not to have wasted wax left in the jars."
Thanks to for the sample candle tarts
they were a nice surprise.

From Christy - Illinois
I was a dedicated Yankee Candle fan until they retired
one of my favorite scents, "Honeysuckle".
I ran across your website about 2 weeks ago
and placed an order for your Honeysuckle Scented Candle.
I was very surprised and very pleased with the results.
Your Candles really do have more Scent in them.
You have gained another dedicated customer.
I am glad yankee discontinued their Honeysuckle,
now I have found you.
Follow Up Post
A note to all you Yankee fans...
Yankee Candle Company has recently brought back
a new version of the Honeysuckle floral scent.
It is now available at our family's Pennsylvania candle store,
and has been renamed "Sweet Honeysuckle" .

From Naomi - Texas
Love your scents.
Glad to see that I can order directly
from you online.
We bought some of your jar candles
at a shop in Crosby Texas.
Wow your candles have loads of scent!
That's what I was looking for - you're the best.

From Veronica - Washington State
Yahoo, I can't wait to get my second order of candles!
I LOVE your Lemon Drop scent,
but I guess you can tell by my reorder.
Thanks so much for those scent samples.
Now I know for sure which scents I want.
I added a Vanilla, plus a Smokers one too
because of our 3 cats.
I LOVE your candles and have recommended them
to my friends.
Oh by the way, my husband came home yesterday
and said he could smell the candles
from all the way downstairs!
Great smelling candles, WOW thats alot
coming from my husband.
THANKS AGAIN..........for everything.

From Patty - State of New York
You guys are the greatest!
I carry your candles in my shop in Peekskill
and my customers love them.
I have been buying them with your box sale.
Please make my bonus candle a Pumpkin Spice.

From Melody at GSD Rescue
I run a German Shepard Rescue here in my home state.
With 5 dogs in my house, I burn candles all the time,
because I do not want my house to have the doggie smell.
I have tried all the expensive name brand candles on the market,
thinking every one would be better then the last one.
A friend told me to try your triple scented candles.
I did and must say I was very impressed.
Like I said, I have tried them all and nothing comes close
to your scented candles. I will never waste my money
on those other candle brands again. Yours are the best.

By Victoria - California
Just had to let you know my candle order
arrived last week and I am thrilled with everything .
Your Blueberry Muffins and Vineyard Grapes scents are super powerful.
Friends told me they could smell them walking up my driveway!
The candles burn cleanly
and the scents flow from one room to the next.
I have been trying out all kinds,
but yours are the best candles ever !
I am a candle nut, I guess there is over 50 candles in my house.
I have every brand you can think of
from the ones made in factories to homemade ones
my friends give me, but yours are absolutely the tops
in my book. Add me to your happy customer list.
I'll be ordering again real soon, thanks so much.

From Connie - Massachusetts
Just a note to say THANKS !
I received my candle tarts today and WOW.
I LOVE them, even after my tart burner is off
the smell still lingers through my whole house.
I will definitely be a return customer.

From Richard B.C. - Florida
I am still burning the Heart Tarts that I ordered
from the second order and now I am getting ready
to order for the third time.
The Shalimar scent is great, as all your scents are.
Yankee can't hold a CANDLE up to yours !
I plan to tell anyone interested in candles to look you up.
I am a candle addict and have bought candles
from places all over this world.

From Donna - Pennsylvania
"I really enjoy your candles. They have
the strongest and best lasting fragrance
that I have ever come across.
I am a fan of YankeeCandles,
but yours surpass them in scent.
I first came upon your Triple Scented Candles
at the Creations Store in Indianapolis
and was blown over by the MAPLE WALNUT, it is super strong.
I was just out there again for the holidays
visiting my son and had to go purchase
some more of your scented candles to bring back to PA.
Now that I have a computer I can order from here.
My first order online is for your Triple Scented Tart Melts."

From CJ - State of Indiana
"I would like to thank you for making
such a wonderful product. A friend started
buying your candles about a year ago.
I was amazed at how wonderful your
triple scented candles smelled.
My friends and I started buying them
and then family members were soon hooked too.
Because of one person buying a few candles
a year ago, there are now more than
thirty-two people buying your scented candles
across the country, just in my small group.
It is amazing. No other candle manufacture
can compare to you. Thank you very much,
I am one satisfied customer who is making
a believer out of many others."

From Julie - State of Ohio
Your scented jar candles are the Strongest ever!
I have been buying them every time I visit a friend in Indiana
and I love them. I am so happy you now
sell online, so I don't have to wait
for my yearly visit to stock up on them.
Thank you for making such great candles.

From Pam - State of Colorado
I just wanted to say,
that I got my box from you today.
The minute I opened it - I was engulfed
by the smell that says it all to me!
I must admit that I was skeptical when I ordered,
but the minute I put one Tart in my warmer
and lit one of your candles...
I was just AMAZED at the scent!
My house just smells WONDERFUL!
I have company coming tomorrow
and now my house smells GREAT.
Now I amm anxious to order again
and can't wait til next payday!

From Beth - State of Pennsylvania
"This is the 3rd time
I'm ordering your triple scented candles.
They truly are the best I've ever Purchased.
I've told many friends and acquaintences
about them, if you have business cards
please send me some to pass out.
Thanks so much for your candles,
they are absolutely 100%
what you advertise them to be."

From Lori - State of Indiana
"I have been buying your scented candles
for many years and think they are the best,
no contest. I have told every one I know
about your candles. Thank you for making them."

From Katie - State of Kentucky
"I just want to say that I LOVE
your triple scented candles!!!
I've bought tons of scented candles in my life,
and I have never found any as great as yours!"

From Cookie - State of New Jersey
"My husband gave me some of your scented candles
and I just want to tell you they smell wonderful.
I lit one in the kitchen and it made
my whole house smell great. I will be telling
all my friends and co-workers about your candles."

From Dee - State of Arizona
Thank you so much for your quick service
and for your wonderful triple scented candles.
I have been a customer for several years.
I love your candles and my house just
isn't the same unless I have one burning.

From Joan - State of Kansas
I have been searching for a candle that has scent power.
I think, I have tried every differnt type
of candle out there, from expensive luxurious types
to cheap ones. I've been burning candles for years.
All my friends call me the CandleLady.
Yours actually fill my house with scent and thats what I wanted.
I have a pet Greyhound from a rescue shelter
plus my kids have a Sheltie and a Poodle,
with your candles my dog odors are gone.
Are these as seen on TV...
have your candles been shown on TV here in Kansas ?
Are there stores in Kansas that sell your candles?
My search is over !

From Dexter - State of Indiana
"I wanted to let you know that I received
my candle order today.Thank you for the
good service. The big candle smells wonderful!
I can' wait to burn it. Keep up the good work.
Your sented candles are a big hit
in my family."

From Nan - State of Florida
"I have been burning my 64 ounce Vanilla Cookie
candel, ever since I unpacked it this morning.
I am hooked, I have a 3000 sq. ft. home
and I can smell it in every room! Thanks again."

From Trudy - State of Missouri
"I buy your scented candles for myself
and several friends. We just absolutely love them and my neighbor
also has fallen in love with them.
Thank you for making these Highly Scented Candles."
You are the Best Candle Company online.

From Brandy - State of Delaware
"I recently purchased several triple scented candles
from your website along with a friend,
who talked me into ordering.
Everything she told me about candels was true.
Your candles really do smell STRONGER, they are fabulous!"

From Michelle - State of Ohio
I have been buying your Candles for the
last 5 years from the Creations Store in Indianapolis.
We go there every year when in town
for the Drag Races at the Speedway.
I LOVE your Candles...
I have never found any that smell
as good as yours.
Thanks and don't ever stop making them.

From Judy - State of Indiana
I must say, I always felt Yankee Candles were the best.
But your candles have them beat in price, scent
and a cleaner burning wax. I found your website
through a search engine and decided to place an order
after reading some of the testimonials.

From Beatrice - State of Texas
I received my first order from your company
a week ago and I agree they are the BEST.
There is no comparison to any other candle
on the market that I have ever tried.
Trust me, I have tried alot of different ones.
I love yours and will be back for more.
I do have one request, would you please consider
adding a Cranberry Pomegranate sents, thanks again.

By Kathy - State of Ohio
I just wanted to let you know how pleased
I am with my purchase. The shipping was lightening fast
and the scents are out of this world !
Like many of your customers have already stated,
I too have tried many kinds of candles,
yours truly are the best that I have ever found.
I ordered 3 of your sampler jars and am just delighted...
they are simply -licious .
My next order will be for the big 64 ounce,
without a doubt. I am telling all my friends at work,
I hope your ready for the Holiday rush !
What does the Fireside Memories smell like ?

By Stone S. - State of Tennessee
My wife and I have been buying your candles
for over a year now and all our friends ask us
where we get them at. Now they are ordering them too.
The wife is crazy about the Raspberry Lemonade scented candle.
My favorite is the Cedar Pines scent,
the smell reminds me of a log cabin we stayed in
down in Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge area.
When I burn that candle I can see the Smokey Mountains in my mind.
Thank you for adding something special to our home.
on this side of the Mountains.

From Sandy C - State of Missouri
I've been a devoted candle burner for years.
I just LOVE candles.
Every morning I light a candle on my kitchen counter,
just to get my day started.
Yankee Candles have been my candle of choice,
for the past 11 years until I came across your web site.
I thought, why not give them a try...they sure are less expensive.
I wasn't sure if they would have
the long lasting fragrant strength as I was used to,
but WOW!
When I received my first order, I was totally impressed.
From the strong fragrance, the larger size jars,
and the double wicks on the 32 oounce,
these candles burn wonderfully.
I'm from Missouri, so you have to "show me",
and boy did they prove themselves. I'm now a repeating customer.
Sorry Yankee..."there is a new guy in town".

From Deb D - State of Illinois
I have been burning my 64 ounce Gingerbread
and the 16 ounce Cinnamon Bun for a little over 2 weeks.
They are absolutely fabulous !!
Best of all, just from these 2 candles
my entire house smells wonderful even when
they aren't burning. Thank you too for sending those
scent samples. Please put me on your mailing list.
Your highly scented candles are worlds apart,
from any others I have ever bought.

From Tyler - State of Pennsylvania
I am crazy about scents and my house
is a candle magnet. I burn candles day and night !
I LOVE the STRONGER SCENTS in your jar candles.
I LOVE the White Linen, LemonGrass and Leather scents.
There is no shortage of candles here in PA.
But I am so excited to tell you that I think,
I've found the WORLD'S BEST SCENTS in your candles.
Do you have a discount program or coupons that I can get?
Thanks so much for making a scented candle that is really scented.

I have made a switch from
to - How About You?

From Shanna - State of Iowa
I have ordered twice from you in the past 2 weeks.
My husband and I both LOVE your candles.
I had to order more tarts,
because I enjoy using them every day.
My husband says he can smell them OUTSIDE,
when he comes home from work.
I can't believe how fast your delivery time is!
I have always bought Yankee Candles,
but yours far surpass them.
Your candles simply smell better, burn longer and cleaner.
You definitely get more candle for the money
and I find that you have better scents.
I will never buy another candle from anyone else.
I have been telling all my friends and family about them,
by giving out your flyers to them.
A big thank you too, for sending the free tart samples,
of some of your new scents.
I will certainly continue to be a loyal return customer.
Will Be Returning Often regards from Iowa.

From Tiffany - State of Delaware
I have always been a HUGE fan of Yankee Candles,
but because of their price increases I decided to try others.
I accidentally came across your web site
and noticed the lower price on your tarts,
along with the great selection of scents.
The price of four of your tarts are about the same as one of Yankee's.
I thought, what do I have to lose.
OH MY!!!...I recieved my order in 3 days which is very impressive.
What is more impressive is that before the tart had melted,
I could smell it through my whole house!
I have a three story home and always have a tart burner going on each floor.
Well, not any more!!!
I am so is the second day burning the same tart
and we can still smell the scent.
Thanks for making such a great product!!!
Hey...your tart recipe must really be a trade secret.

From Carol - State of Arizona
I have been a loyal customer of Gold Canyon Candles
for many years.
My daughter gave me one of your soy candles
last Christmas.
Now, I am happy to say your candles have taken first place
with our whole family.
We just love burning your candles when we have friends over.
I have turned many of them
into new candle customers for you.
You should have me on your payroll.
I could become your #1 sales person in Arizona!

From Phyllis R. - State of Pennsylvania
I have never found a scented candle,
that could compare with the candles from your web site.
I feel very fortunate to have tried your soy product.
The scents last forever and I love how your soy blend burns.
Your candles burn evenly using up all the wax.
I have reordered for myself and will be ordering some for gifts.
Your candles are absolutely the best.

From Lady Renee - Michigan
I am so very pleased at how incredible your candles are.
I have had them for over a week now,
and just put in another order.
Your Lemon Chiffon is a beautiful light bakery scent.
But I like my candles a little on the stronger side,
so I really like the bolder Creme Brulee, Maple Walnut and Gingerbread.
I love the cake like and dessert scents.
I'm actually burning a Butter Cream candle while writting this.
I LOVE it's rich cake frosting aroma spreading through my home.
Your website has a great Family and Country feel to it.
Plus, your customer service and quick shipping time is GREAT.
I am telling all my friends to help stop global warming
by turning off the electric lights and lighting up the candles.
Your soy wax candles are the greatest.
I even, enjoy burning some when I take a shower.
Thank you so much and God Bless.

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